2021 Overview
Published in STAR Magazine

by Jennifer Angel - A year to RELEASE & AWAKEN! 

2021, as in all years, is unique and comes with its inevitable gifts and challenges. Jupiter and Saturn  will travel through Aquarius for this year and the combined energy can offer opportunities with the Jupiter energy and set solid foundations with Saturn. And in Aquarius, this sign makes it truly unique with something different and also, unexpected.

The other major connection throughout 2021 is the transiting interaction between Saturn and Uranus, which are contrasting energies in the way that Saturn is traditional, and Uranus is anything but traditional. The more work and inner growth you can embark upon to get to know who you are and own all of yourself, the better off you will be with this transit. The more you fight against your true self, the more obstacles you can face. 

If you want to know more about how you can capitalize on your greatest talents and move into and through 2021 with more ease, an astrological chart reading can provide valuable insights. To Work with Jennifer, visit the consultation page.



 March 21 – April 19

This year, it’s important to have integrity between you and others. Integrity starts within yourself, setting intentions, and following through. Monetary matters are the top focus. Manage your finances, so you have security. Inner self-work, feeling good about you, leads to true love.  



 April 20 – May 20

You can be lucky in love and with money this year. But don’t take anyone or anything for granted, as life can suddenly change. There is likely to be a development with your work, and even though it can be challenging, it works out for the best. Look forward to more intimacy in your love life.



 May 21 – June 20 

This is a powerful year where you enter a new phase, especially with relationships. Get in touch with your grand plan for life and let go of the past to invite in the new. Your instincts are sharp. To access inspired thought, develop your intuition, and pay attention to it.  



There is an emphasis on your wellbeing this year, a great time for a total image makeover and a new health regime. It’s time to get smart and savvy about money and investments. With love, open your heart to share your inner thoughts and secrets, and you'll build a closer bond. 



July 23 – August 22 

Your love and career life are on your radar this year! If you’re looking for true love, it can happen. If you’re with someone, developments can make or break your relationship. At work, the people you know will likely be more important than what you know. Be true to you!



August 23 – September 22 

Get clear about what you want in 2021. Set your intentions and go for it! Be careful not to allow anyone to step on your dream. Family members can demand attention, make time for them, but stand your ground. Your love life can sort out positively. Keep your friends and money close.  



September 23 – October 22 

A bright light shines on your relationships this year. A development can strengthen your love life. People you meet can influential your career. Financial arrangements are under the spotlight. You can right some wrongs and reset the boundaries. Stand up and speak from your heart.



October 23 – November 21

2021 is a year to rearrange your financial affairs. Building security is your key to freedom. Be prepared to do things differently at home and with family. Your love life can change and transform. If single, you can attract someone who challenges you to be yourself. Be mindful to let go of the past. 



November 22 – December 21

This year's eclipse madness and magic in your sign can bring things to a head. Love, work, or money be prepared to let go of anything or anyone who has passed their use-by date. This will create a void for new energy, people, and situations. You are entering a new phase, be positive!



December 22 – January 19

This is a big year for you, spiritually, romantically, and with your career and finances. Cast aside limiting thoughts, and release past stories that keep you small. Get ready to step into a large life filled with wonder and excitement. Your dreams can come true, don’t get distracted.



January 20 – February 18

This is a hot and happening time - anything can happen! Get your goals and desires in place to kick start the year. Life is both supportive and challenging, prepare to go with the flow, and make compromises. Love is passionate. Family can be demanding. Friends show their true colors.  



February 19 – March 20

2021 is a year to advance spiritually! While delving into self-development work, be mindful to discard and release old patterns and structures to make way for enlightenment. There is a fresh start at work and home. Love is romantic and nurturing. A creative project gets the go-ahead. 



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